Friday, November 21, 2008

Tag....Your it!

Ok Steph, since you tagged me, I will play. Even thought not long ago, I did this with only 6 random things....

So here are my 7 random things you may, or may not know about me

1. I take my tea with cream and sugar

2. I can't help but to pick my scabs

3. I bought a guitar (and Esteban kit from because I am determined to learn guitar, but have yet to tune it and put in a CD

4. I am terrible at first person video games, because I can not work all those buttons and am usually looking up in the sky or down at the ground the whole time.

5. I eat as much organically as I can get. I have yet to purchase very much organic meat (it's very expensive)

6. My nose is always stuffy or runny. I don't think I smell things as well as everyone else because of this. I don't like it at all. I have several prescriptions for this (non of which work the way I feel they should)

7. I use a neti pot (this goes along with number 6, and my stuffy nose)

I am not going to tag anyone, because only Steph and Rach are they only ones that have my blog on theirs I think.


Introspective Steph said...

lol...sorry Faith... i must have forgotten that you already did this. I was trying to think of people who actually read my blog.

How's life? Are you into the whole Twilight thing? I saw the movie yesterdaY Morning. It was good. I think i'll actually read the rest of the books now. I read the first book...but thought it was too slow for my taste..but i think i'll try it again. Well...ttyl

Introspective Steph said...

little faith...

i just wanted you to comment on my blog...cuz i feel like a loser.

lova ya and miss ya...i def wish you lived down here so we could pig out on chocolate chip cookies again until i get so sick. LOL I loved those days! i wish i had a friend...besides Rob.

Introspective Steph said...

i was just havign a pity party for myself. lOl. but thanks...i appreciate it! Sometimes you just need that extra shoulder ya know!

no, i wasn't talking about ya!

But hey...i need your address to send christmas cards. So send it girlie!!!