Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A new tag game....

This one looks pretty fun and different.

1. Choose a folder where you store you pictures.

2. Select the 4th picture in that folder.

3. Explain that picture.

4. Tag 4 People.

5. No Cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)

So, here it is.......

This is a picture of my cousin's 2 kids. This is Briah's second day of 2nd grade. And Brody's first day of Kindergarten. They are the sweetest, not to mention cutest kids I know. And I love them to pieces. They are super sweet.
I tag....
1. Steph
2. Nancy T.
3. Alisa
4. Nancy A.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What does a "stay at home mom" do all day?

Watch's funny!

This is a MUST see. I hope that you enjoy it. I know I did, and I'm not even a mom.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Here you go Steph

1. Post rules on your blog
2. Answer the 6 "8" items
3. Let each person know they have been tagged

8 Fav TV Shows:
1. Days of our Lives
2. Two and half men
3. Reba
4. Dirty Jobs
5. Myth Busters
6. So You Think You Can Dance
7. Bizarre Foods w/ Andrew Zimmern
8. House

8 Things I did Yesterday:
1. Woke Up
2. Showered
3. Brushed Teeth
4. Took Laptop to Geek Squad (the motherboard is bad....)
5. Bought a new computer
6. Kissed my husband
7. Worked
8. Blew my nose

8 Things I look forwad to:
1. Finacial Freedom
2. Every new day with Scott
3. Learning to play my guitar
4. Loosing weight
5. Seeing Family
6. River fun in the Summer
7. Getting to know Scotts girls better
8. Growing old and being able to retire with Scott

8 Fav Restaurants:
1. Texas Roadhouse
2. Panera
3. Cold Stone Creamery (does this one count?)
4. Chinese
5. Bob Evans
6. I Hop
7. Wendy's
8. Smitty's (it's a super cheep hotdog/hamburger joint in WV)

8 Things on my WISHLIST! (ONLY 8?....LOL)
1. Guitar Hero: World Tour
2. Yellow Mustang GE Convertible
3. Toyota FJ Cruiser
4. 4 Wheeler
5. Organized Sewing/Craft Room
6. That I was average size
7. Sell my Ohio House
8. More Money in the Bank

8 People to Tag:
1. Nancy
2. Steph
3. Rachel
that's all I, I'm sad....sad.....sad.....