Friday, June 26, 2009

Not eating enough..........who'd have thought?

I guess I forgot to write about the nutritionlist visit. I had to take in a food diary of 1 week. I did....and she told me I was not consuming enough calories. I thought she was crazy. But alas, she is the professional. She also wants me to be checked for PCOS (polysistic ovarian syndrom) she stated it could be the reason I have trouble loosing weight and I don't ovulate...etc etc. I already knew everything else she told me, like eating organic and natural things. Take vitamins. I know it all. I practice a lot of it. But I have that crazy sweet tooth. I could get all my extra calories from sweets really easily LOL

The surgeon today told me not to get tested for PCOS, it would just be a waste. If I did have it, they wouldn't do anything for it, because the cure for it is weight loss. He said that if I still do not become fertile then, other testing will be done. But he did say that most women who were not able to have children, after the surgery are. That's a good thing, since we have officially decided that we want a family. Our goal is that after my truck is paid off we will begin. Which falls right into the timeline of waiting 1 year after being banded to get pregnant.

2nd Visit to surgeon

Today I just went to my second visit with the lap-band surgeon. I am on the fast track so to speak. I have completed the phsych eval and the nutritionlist counceling. Now all that is left are my 5 visits (once a month, or every 4 weeks) and then in November I have to have an endescope to look into my stomach to make sure that it is "normal", a EKG and a stool sample (not looking forward to that one) but I guess it has to be done, so what are my choices.

I asked today about pregnancy after the band. He said that it is safe and actually will help with a healthier pregnancy. He did call the rep while I was sitting there to see if they will empty the band when it's time for me to deliver. When you undergo a surgery after the band they empty it for safety reasons. So, if I have to have a C-section they will probably just empty it close to my delivery date. Then fill it once the baby is born.

I am very excited about the surgery, which I have rescheduled from Dec 14th to the 22nd. I chose the week of Christmas, because my mom is already scheduled off work, and I will actually miss less work this way. I can work Monday, have surgery Tuesday and be off the rest of the week. They say it's so easy that I should be back to work Monday. If not, I am sure that it will be okay to take off time then anyways.