1. Choose a folder where you store you pictures.
2. Select the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain that picture.
4. Tag 4 People.
5. No Cheating (cropping, editing, etc.)
So, here it is.......
This is a picture of my cousin's 2 kids. This is Briah's second day of 2nd grade. And Brody's first day of Kindergarten. They are the sweetest, not to mention cutest kids I know. And I love them to pieces. They are super sweet.
I tag....
1. Steph
2. Nancy T.
3. Alisa
4. Nancy A.
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am a little cranky right now because the doc thinks because of my weight gain I may be at risk for the genstational diabetes - Yikes - But until then she told me not to eat basically everything I do eat. Its a rough road - Lol. But thanks for sending the love - I felt and embraced it. Where are you living now?
I thought my kids were the cutest kids in the world...lol!
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