Friday, November 13, 2009

Going on.....

2 weeks! Saturday at 9:30 pm is my mark. I am actually doing it. I am doing great too. I still want a cigarette not nearly as bad but the point is I don't have to have one. I hope it continues to be easy. I am using chantix, but I am only taking .5 mg as opposed to the 2 mg (1 two x's a day) when I tried this before it made me nauseous. I wondered if that was the feeling I would have when I was pregnant. If it is, then you can count me out. I was so sick for a whole week, all day and all night long. Except for about 20 minutes right after I ate something. It was a mix between hunger and nausea, weird weird weird sensation. I have read a lot about the chantix and it can cause ulcers and stuff like that. So I hope not to have to take it much longer.


Introspective Steph said...

good job! are you not at work today? Or you are...but blogging too. You must be bored if you're :)

Aaron & Nancy said...

good job...hang in there! You're doing great!

Faith Penningtons said...

Thanks guys. I feel better already. My allergy induced asthma is even better. I can smell things better. It's wonderful. I still think of them often, but I just choose not to have one.

Nancy said...

Great job! I love hearing about your success. Makes me realize that there are things we all can do that we once thought were impossible.

Introspective Steph said...

i'll send an email tomorrow about the thanksgiving meal and you can tell me about yours.