Monday, April 19, 2010

Master of....

With this award I am suppose to list 6 things I am a Master at then, pass it on to 6 people.

1. I am a Master at hitting the snooze button numerous times EVERY morning.
2. Starting a diet, only to give up the very same day.
3. Wanting to start a sewing/quilting project and keep putting it off.
4. Living above my means.
5. Wanting things NOW....I am the Master of INSTANT GRATIFICATION
6. Loving my husband and family more than I knew was possible. My love grows (almost) every day!

I pass this on to...
Whoever reads my blog on a regular basis (cause I don't think it's 6)


Introspective Steph said...

I started to do the thing you posted on my blog only to realize i don't know what i'm a master of! so i quit. lol Maybe I should have said I'm a master of quitting...because i definatly am!

Aaron & Nancy said...

I read your post too, but doubt I will take the challenge because I'm master of avoiding these tags. Too much thinking required, but I enjoyed yours!