Monday, December 28, 2009

Back to work

and sick.....I tried to stay home a few more days from work, but they needed me to come in. I had the procedure last Tuesday 12-22. It was way more painful than I had anticipated. on the second and third day I wanted to curl up in a ball and die. But since curling up was not an option I could only lay flat and not move a muscle or it would hurt to the high heavens. It felt like I had done a million sit ups or been kicked in the stomach by a team of horses. They only give you the good drugs the first day at the hospital (not the morning after, when you really need them) I know 3 others who had this done, and they did not have the complications I did. No gas and no nausea. I have both....still to this day. 12-28. I had to come to work and now I am sick as a dog, I think that I am so hungry it's making me sick. and I have the gas pains on top of it all. Which is a pain in my shoulder and around my lungs. I am supposed to walk as much as possible, so I have been getting up every hour here at work and walking around the office. More to come later.

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